Introducing Stemss, a revolutionary music platform that empowers artists to share their content exclusively with fans for free or via paid subscriptions. A future disruptor in the music industry, Stemss gives artists greater control over their content, ensuring it reaches those who want it most.

While the primary focus is on music, Stemss also incorporates social features such as likes, comments, and shares, improving artist exposure and helping build community pockets. Stemss came to Discovery through a referral from another client, making it a rewarding project for our team.

We worked closely with Stemss to ensure the project was delivered ahead of schedule, setting the stage for a successful launch so they could make a real impact in the industry. There were various goals of the platform, but the key aim was to attract more investment as this would allow the platform to grow.

We built the platform using Laravel, which allowed us to use its robust features to create a scalable and maintainable solution. Ensuring the quality and ease of streaming music was also key, as users would be accessing the platform from a variety of devices. With this in mind, we prioritised audio performance, ensuring the music sounded crisp and clear across multiple devices.