We collaborated with online pet retailer Cura to design and develop a new website that showcases their innovative online pet prescription service. Shopping for online pet prescriptions can be a complex, tedious task, and it’s often quite expensive for pet owners too. As a result, Cura wanted to simplify this experience by building a website that allows users to easily navigate through the different pages to find the information they need.

We developed a minimalistic brand and website that keeps UX and seamless navigation at the core of the design. We also incorporated a contemporary, fun and colourful palette allowing the brand to stand out against its competitors.

To further assist users in finding relevant products, users can search by type of pet, making the process much quicker. The team also used the colour palette to assign colours to each of the animal categories making it easier for customers to shop by quick avenues.

Through our partnership, we increased revenue for the Cura brand and grew the brand from a startup into a thriving ecommerce business.