Launching and running a start-up business is no small task, there’s hundreds of things to think about and plenty of things that need your attention. From the initial launch, managing the product and dealing with payments, through to running your website and monitoring your social media accounts, there’s a lot to consider – everything requires attention.
With so much to think about when it comes to starting a business, one mistake start-up owners tend to make in the early stages of development is overlooking the importance of marketing their company and building the company brand.
For many, marketing is simply overlooked, forgotten about amongst the hype of setting up a new business venture. For others however, marketing is ignored, with entrepreneurs viewing this as an unnecessary spend, or something that is seen more as a liability than as an opportunity.
A start-ups success is built predominately by its ability to drive customer acquisition, create revenue and build profit. While a unique product and great website can help drive traffic and conversions initially, this can only go so far, without marketing businesses can fail to reach their target audience and as a result, may not achieve the targets they really need to develop their business.
Why is marketing so important?