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Prepare for launch: 5 ways you can launch your website with a bang!

4 min read 📖

When is comes to launching your website there’s no time more important than your initial launch. This is the perfect time to establish your company, create some hype and encourage customer relationships from the get go.

Unfortunately many business don’t understand the importance of their site launch, spending some time making sure it’s bug free and that it’s ranking, but not necessarily thinking about other equally important factors that can impact your success.

Prepare great content in advance

If you’re looking for a way to launch your website with a bang why not have content prepared in advance to bring your website and your business to life. Take the time to create a detailed, welcoming post on your blog or social media which tells visitors who you and what your business has to offer. Whilst this should be obvious on your website already an article or post lets you engage with your customers straight off the bat.

Not only does this work for a opening post on your website but it’s also a great idea to have prewritten content available in order to publish content at a steady rate. In the excitement of launching your website you may not have the time to keep writing on a daily basis and by posting regularly from the beginning, you can instantly start garnering interest from both visitors and search engines.

Take to social media

Using social media is a great way of gaining attention and traction before your website has even launched. Being present on social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and even Youtube can be creative and engaging ways to raise awareness of your company prior to launch.

You can use your social media accounts to gain an online presence and attract followers before your launch meaning that right away once your website is live you’ll have a number of people ready and willing to view your site. Whilst your website is where you want your customers to go first you’ll want the conversation with your customers, to carry on through your social media.

Set up your analytics

Before you launch your website you can’t forget to set up your analytics and tracking URLS. The most important data you’ll need is going to be the data from your website showing you who your customer are, where they came from, your bounce rate, traffic source and other essentials which allow you to determine how successful your website is.

If you don’t have this information available from day one, you’re going to fall behind relatively quickly. Having this information readily available as early as possible allows you to get ahead from the start and allows you to make any positive changes you need early on.

Provide incentives

Offering your customers a voucher or coupon code for the launch of your website is a great way to encourage customers to visit your website and build customer relationships from the early stages. Not only are you showing your customers that you have something worthy available for them to use but it also encourages more sales and traffic to your website.

If possible you could also hold a small giveaway offering a sample of your product. This is an efficient way to reach out to customers, showing them what you have to offer and encouraging them to try more of your products.

Capture email addresses

If you’ve managed to create some hype around your business then it’s likely you’ll have plenty of curious potential customers waiting for your launch. By asking these visitors to subscribe to a mailing list to find out more about your business, your products, services and offers it means they can learn more about your business but also means you can encourage sales.

Whilst many fear that asking for email addresses might come across as too ‘salesy’ your customers almost expect to be asked for some information and if they believe in your company will be willing to provide it.

While there are a number technical elements to need to take into consideration before launching your website you shouldn’t forget that how important it can be to create a buzz around your company beforehand. If you’ve worked hard on your business and on your website there’s no reason for your launch to be a flop, take these tips on board and you’ll be successful in no time.

Sarah Seymour

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