As we enter the new year full of positivity we set ourselves personal resolutions and goals to improve our lives at home, with family and friends. We should also consider improving our time at work as well, along with enhancing our users’ experiences when using our services.
While entering the new year with new business goals and targets, did you consider how big of a part your company’s website will play in achieving these?
Websites can be a huge part of your users’ experience whilst using your services. They may be the first point of contact when the users research your services or look for a point of contact. Your website may also be their final part of contact where they purchase a product or submit an application.
Now ask yourself, is your website ready for 2019 and the goals you have set for the year?
It could well be. If so, the sky is the limit, go get those goals! If not, there may be room for improvement which could be as big as a full website re-design and build or as small as a website ‘face-lift’. The smallest of changes could potentially have a significant effect on your upcoming campaigns, offers etc.
How can you tell if it’s time for a re-design?
Take a look at your competitors, are their online presences stronger than yours? If so, you now need to take the next step up, past them and back to the top of your industry. Websites can lose their design trends after so many years and can become dated if not updated regularly, which could result in your website not looking as trust-worthy as your competitors’ and therefore scaring potential customers away. Your users could also be very frustrated when using your website due to dated layouts and navigations; this could lead to users exiting the site early.
Are you struggling to use your admin system?
Have you been struggling with keeping your website or online store up to date for too long? Or are you experiencing the same small issues over and over but just simply coping with them? If so, it might be time to review your admin system. Just like the front end design of websites, the back end admin can become dated and, as a result of this, hard to manage and expand on.
Is your website mobile friendly?
Responsive websites are becoming much more common now, allowing users to have the flexibility to view your website across all their devices, but there are still some that are not mobile friendly. If your website falls within this category, then an update is definitely recommended. Google recently introduced a new rule to the ranking of search results based on websites mobile compatibility, with the less compatible being placed towards the bottom of the results or on the next page. A full website re-development may be needed, or the site may be able to remain the same with some further work done to make the site responsive on all devices.
If any of the above are current issues with your company’s website, then it might be time to make a change for the sake of your staff and users to benefit office efficiency and online sales/leads.
Get in touch with us to set up a no obligation meeting to see how we can help improve your website ready for the coming year!