For plenty of years now there has been a lot of buzz around marketing new young people and the impact of ‘millennials’ on the impact of the consumer and marketing world. It’s no surprise that marketers have such a huge focus on this audience, with the majority of consumers falling into the 18-34 year old bracket and with a number of features that make them the perfect audience to market to.
However, like any age demographic, perhaps even more so than the generations above, those in the 18-34 market or so called ‘millennials’ suffer beneath labels and generalisations that often only apply to smaller amounts of people or simply aren’t true at all.
Without talking to young people it can be hard for marketers, especially older marketers to get a realistic view of how this audience think and behave, leading to assumptions that can not only negatively affect your marketing efforts but can actually alienate you from this audience. Nobody can give you an insight quite like a member of generation Y themselves, so here’s 4 of the most common, and most aggravating, misconceptions about millennials that need to be addressed.